Seminar on application of national technical regulations QCVN 06: 2020 / BXD on fire safety for houses and buildings and QCVN 04: 2019 / BXD on condominiums
On October 6, at the Ministry of Construction, Vietnam Investment Consulting and Construction Design Joint Stock Company – CDC cooperates with the Department of Science, Technology and Environment and Construction Newspaper to hold a seminar “Applying regulations National technique QCVN 06: 2020 / BXD on fire safety for houses and works; QCVN 04: 2019 / BXD on condominiums and other related QCVN ”.
These standards specify the basic requirements for fire prevention and fighting when designing, building, renovating and expanding civil buildings and works.
Fire protection design for high-rise civil constructions must comply with the provisions of this standard and other fire safety standards. When designing fire protection for a high-rise building for new construction, renovation or expansion, it must be based on the planning of the entire area or cluster and at the same time closely combined with the fire protection design solution of the adjacent works (organization traffic road, fire fighting water supply pipeline system, fire alarm information…). The seminar is a professional forum to discuss and share urgent and current issues from a legal perspective to help investors, consultants and construction contractors better understand about the practical requirements of State management agencies on appraisal, approval, and acceptance of construction designs, fire prevention and fighting and hand-over of works to put into use in accordance with the law of two newly issued and applied standards. used from July 1, 2020. Through the seminar, the State management agency showed a strong commitment to supporting investors, consultants, construction contractors to guide and clarify issues in the application of technical regulations. national QCVN 06: 2020 / BXD on fire safety for houses and works; QCVN 04: 2019 / BXD on condominiums and other related QCVN.